News | June 15, 2015

Electronic Health Record Association Elects New Leadership

The Electronic Health Record Association (EHRA), a trade association of companies that provide the vast majority of operational EHRs to hospitals and physicians across the US, announced new leadership for the coming year after their annual elections earlier this month. Three Executive Committee members were re-elected to two-year terms, one new member was added, and a new chair and vice chair were elected. These individuals fulfill the Association’s objective to maintain balanced representation from companies that serve healthcare enterprises, as well as those serving the ambulatory EHR market.

Leigh Burchell, Vice President, Policy and Government Affairs at Allscripts, was reelected to the Executive Committee and elected as its new chairperson. Leigh takes on the role as Mark Segal, PhD, Vice President, Government and Industry Affairs, GE Healthcare IT, and vice chair emeritus of the Association, steps down after serving the maximum six consecutive years on the Executive Committee, the past year as chair. “I appreciate this opportunity to serve in a leadership role for the Association. We have become an important voice for the industry and a trusted resource for policymakers and other stakeholder groups that understand the pivotal role that EHRs play in the health IT ecosystem,” Ms. Burchell said. “I look forward to collaborating with my EHRA colleagues in continuing the excellent work led by Mark Segal over the last year, knowing that there are many critical initiatives underway both within the Association and in the industry at large.”

Sarah Corley, MD, Chief Medical Officer at NextGen Healthcare, was reelected to the Executive Committee for a two-year term, and to the position of vice chair for a second one year term. Along with her work on EHRA Executive Committee, Sarah also previously served as chair of the Association’s Patient Safety Workgroup and brings her experiences as a former commissioner on the Certification Commission for Health IT (CCHIT) and as a practicing physician to the Association’s work. “I look forward to working with Leigh in her new role, and continuing the Association’s work to educate and advocate for EHRs and health IT as a foundational component of healthcare transformation,” Dr. Corley said.

Richard Loomis, MD, Senior Medical Director at Practice Fusion, was also reelected to the Executive Committee, having completed a partial term for a former colleague who left the industry. And returning to the Executive Committee after a hiatus of three years is Rick Reeves, RPh, Director of Government Relations at Evident (formerly CPSI). Rick formerly served on the Executive Committee from July 2008 to June 2012, and has been the chair of the EHRA Certification Workgroup since 2006.

Completing the second year of their terms are Meg Marshall, Director, Health Policy at Cerner Corporation and chair of the EHRA Public Policy Leadership Workgroup; Ginny Meadows, RN, Vice President of Regulatory Strategy for McKesson Corporation and chair of the Association’s Quality Measurement Workgroup; Pamela Chapman, Director of Clinical Product and Regulatory Affairs at e-MDs and chair of EHRA’s Patient Safety Workgroup; and Sasha TerMaat, Director, Meaningful Use at Epic and chair of the EHRA Meaningful Use Workgroup.

About The EHR Association
Established in 2004, the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Association is comprised of nearly 40 companies that supply the vast majority of operational EHRs to physicians’ practices and hospitals across the United States. The EHR Association operates on the premise that the rapid, widespread adoption of EHRs will help improve the quality of patient care as well as the productivity and sustainability of the healthcare system as a key enabler of healthcare transformation. The EHR Association and its members are committed to supporting safe healthcare delivery, fostering continued innovation, and operating with high integrity in the market for our users and their patients and families. The EHR Association is a partner of HIMSS. For more information, visit

Source: The EHR Association