App Makes Tracking Implants A Breeze
By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Tracking implants from pacemakers to hip replacements is difficult, but a new app seeks to ease the process for providers.
A new app intends to streamline implant cataloging and tracking beginning at the time of surgery. Aperek (formerly known as MediClick), is beta-testing its new Pulse app, which will allow doctors to catalog implants directly at the point of care. Manufacturer, lot number, serial number, and whether the implant was used or discarded can be entered into the electronic record during the procedure.
Mark Osborne, Aperek's vice president of new product development, told mHealth News the app allows information to be captured and added during the implant process. Using built-in voice recognition software, the app repeats information back to the user to verify the data's accuracy. This allows the hospital to accurately track all implants, a key factor of new FDA regulations designed to reduce waste and curb hospital-acquired infections.
"Capturing that data in (the OR) environment is critical," Osborne said.
The Pulse product guide notes, “Implants make up more than half the cost of implant procedures. Too many charges are lost. Supplies are replenished at list. Lack of data limits standardization.”
Osborne explains that the app is unique because it is offered for providers rather than manufacturers. “Most products on the market now for cataloguing and tracking implants are focused on or offered by the device makers themselves, he said. That, in essence, puts the provider at the mercy of the manufacturer in keeping track of – and determining the cost of – each and every implant.”
The app was created for use on iPad.